Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Pasture Pals....

We all hit a place where we have to let go. We think, "No, I'm not ready... she's not ready... what if something goes wrong?" But we have to cut the umbilical cord, untie the apron strings, put on our "big-girl panties" and basically, suck it up. Today was my day. I wasn't planning on doing it but the moment hit when Bella did everything she was suppose to, which then prompted me to "suck it up", "bite the bullet", and accept that it WAS time to let her run free with the big horses. So, sorry it's not a great video, but as I was leaving the house to see how Bella was doing running through the trees, my sister called and insisted... TAKE VIDEO... Enjoy. I always do.


Cowgirl said...

That is an amazing video !!! I LOVE it. It was just like being there. I am so pleased that everyone gets along (Rodney King is happy about that too). The horses all look so regal and happy with their lives. You should be very proud. Good job girlie, girlfriend.

xoxo gina

kevel88 said...

Sometime you got to let the little ones fly! Looking at all your pictures, even that big parka does not make your ass look big.