If you have a pet you totally understand the concept of the little "non-helper". They show up when you are trying to accomplish something and they just tend to get in the way by laying down in the middle of the newspaper, your bills, the project your working on... but they do it in such a way that it is annoyingly cute. Do you have a furry four legged child like that? This is Taz helping me decide whether to go with the dark tile on the left or the light tile on the right....I asked her which one went best with the marble/glass tile border I choose. She obviously picked the dark tile.
I with KittyCat....the darker the better.
LOVE picking tile....the thing is no matter what you end up with (and it can take hours...days....weeks to choose)...it will look fabuloso.
Have fun with that project. And yes, my 'Notocord' knows how to inject herself right smack dab in the middle of whatever is going on.. Methinks she always sees a possibility of FOOOOOOOOD !
xo me
Hey girl,
Que Passa? Lets see. . . Las Vegas or Lo? I am beginning to understand. Hope it was tax deductible. Yena is keeping me entertained and much cheaper than LV!!
Needed: new post on current blog site; any subject okay; children, spouses and pets or indescretions; no extra charge for immediate post; includes free, uncensored comments from faithful followers; photos are always appreciated and expected; absolutly no excuses are accepted (sorry)...
Needed: new post on current blog site; any subject okay; children, spouses and pets or indescretions; no extra charge for immediate post; includes free, uncensored comments from faithful followers; photos are always appreciated and expected; absolutly no excuses are accepted (sorry)...
Falta de usted. Estoy gozando teniendo Gina a me. ¡Ella es cocinero fantástico! ¡La esperanza I puede encontrarle algún día!!
Su amigo
Estos intercambios son apenas hilarantes. Estoy utilizando Babelfish para traducir. ¡Usted es tan divertido! ¡Gina y yo estamos gritando con risa!
See what you are missing!!
Be sure you translate this after you have had a little "lohita". Our new recipe.
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