My very good friend is going to Mexico and has invited me to tag along. I want to go but I want to stay too. I love all of those around me, they center me. Sometimes it's scary how much of a homebody I am. I have developed those things I LOVE, much like Oprah's "Favorite Things"; LOVE (family, friends, furry 4-legged Angels), WATER (shower, hot tub, drinking), A WARM BED (a well made bed is a wonderful thing), FIRE (that flickers; candle by tub, fire at campsite, fireplace, etc.), A HOME (to come home to), SURPRIZES (Finding the unexpected when you least expect it), COOKING (it means you have the means to break bread for loved ones which, to me = PEACE), and the very most important is CONTENTEDNESS.
Truly, I believe, the secret to life is contentedness.... Love (first and foremost, you know we all can find it), Peace (it's hand in hand with love, I'd say), and contentedness (simple, simple, simple... if you're willing to be). Life is simple when you let it be. When you stop rushing forward and be still, sometimes you find.
Between the usual, ordinary days... sometimes God gives us the extraordinary, He blesses us and takes us by surprise and all we can do is feel grateful, thankful, and most assuredly overwhelmed.
My center, when I'm allowed to feel it, is serene contentedness, when I can sit back and take it in, and overflow, and ooze with that which I am saturating my heart with. That, my friend.... is a lovely thing.
OMG...doe this mean you are NOT coming to Mexico????? I think the white squirrel is a very clear sign that you need to re-think your decision.
And btw, who said that Rick couldn't come meet you after I leave???? The house is available for March as well...just sayin'...
hasta luego, mi amiga.
Hey, you are missing a fantastic opportunity to meet me!! This is still about inner peace, warmth, satisfying food, and fellowship!! Loads of laughter. . . maybe even a little spew.
Think again!! Lots of flights available.
Si...mexican SPEW...a little spicey but that is what the beer is for.
xo senora smartypants
Oh, the ceviche in 'Lo' is different than Isla and there are lots of street stands all over that sell it...cheeeep. I am thinking that you will, oh I mean, WOULD HAVE loved it. I keep forgetting that you are not coming....sorry.
buena suerte, Senora Harassisita
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