For more than a week I have been sick. It doesn't matter the precautions you take, viruses are crafty mutating living seekers of warm, moist places to call home. Last weekend was 4 days of slowly migrating from bed to claw foot tub to soak for an hour and back to bed again. Rick actually said, on more than one occasion, "You're going BACK to bed AGAIN?" Yep, rest and push fluids, rest and push fluids, inside and out. Thankfully I had my furry Nigthingale caretakers on vigil snuggled next to me, periodically creeping up to gently tickle my mouth whilst they checked for breath and any sign of life. I would hear a big sigh and then the "kerplunk" of an exasperated dog, back onto the bed, not happy about her self imposed "watch" over me.
I was back to work on Tuesday, still feeling pretty cruddy, but somewhat able. And, as you may have suspected....I started to feel like I was going backwards yesterday, so again, this weekend I will dedicate myself to my bed, my bath, and the constant vigilance of overly concerned caretakers in hopes that I can kick this virus' ass before it kicks mine again.
I agree with Rick...bed again? Have you gotten your arse to a doctor? You are too young to be having such health issues...this internet doctor thinks there is something else going on. Like...extreme remorse at having declined a Mexican holiday full of sun and hydration ( 'lojitos' & cerveza), helping dogs & puppies, mucho ejercicio, eating well (lots of vegs and tropical fruits), laughter and ridiculousness. Yes I am rubbing it in.
We only get one shot here on this earth (not talking about the afterlife that is based on your faith) but the fact that it is crucial to seize opportunities here & now. I just came from Luigi's funeral and I do wish that I believed there was 'more' but I don't. He is gone. I am feeling lucky to have known him and grateful for the time we spent together and for the fact that he shared (figuratively & literally) the 'fruits' of his labour.
Hope you get better and out of that bed soon. There is way too much to do and be.
Love you in more ways than one.
Oh, hi.
This creepy crud is going around!! But just think, spring is around the corner. . . or so they say. We are flooding down here in the central valley and my garden is going "what were you thinking planting us out here in this kind of weather!!"
Hey,, just wanted to tell you that I like the horse blog you've added to your links list. Been reading it.
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