Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just some chatter this time.....

It's May Day ..... and snowing.... and there is a Blizzard Warning for the next 18 hours..... 2 days ago it was 80, beautiful, and we were golfing..... now... the power goes on and off.... we're gathering blankets, provisions, supplies.. (just kidding)... We're actually hoping for our very first "snow day".... can't go to work, gotta stay home.... WHAT THE HECK???!!! It suppose to be spring????? Well, gotta go... the little puppy loves the snow... and it's snowing... we think.... maybe hope... it may be the last snow of the season, but who really knows????? We live in the Dakotas, where gambling is legal, and if you don't like the weather, you don't have to worry.... it will change, in the next 2 hours......

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