Yepperdooooo..... we woke up to no electricity this fine morning. It was snowing sideways. We called our handy "511" and found out that the entire interstate was shut down from the Wyoming State Line to Wall, SD (about 150 miles of pavement in all). So I called the office and left a message that it was officially a "snow day" for us in Piedmont. We went back to sleep and when we woke up we had TV!!!! Yeah..... The TV guy said no travel, all roads closed. It's 2:45 pm and we have had between 1 - 2 feet fall overnight and today. It's suppose to snow more tonight - 80% chance. So some hot soup and a lot of lounging. We're keeping warm and enjoying our very strange climate. So who wants to come visit first??????? : )
PS This is a picture of CeCe (short for Cindy Crawford, they wouldn't let me call her Crawford) - she's 17 hands and built like a brick horse : ) Maybe Rick will buy her. Ain't she purdy? The video was taken today after the clouds moved out and everything began to melt and quickly. You'll see we have green grass under our drifts of snow.... go figure....
LOVE>>>LOVE>>>LOVE the truly captures the joy of REAL weather....dont you just adore THE Great White North? Thom Gina The Dog
Crazy dog. Reminds me of my little Piper. She probably wouldn't fare as well in that much snow since she is only 20lbs and barely a foot tall.
Congrats on Joey figuring out Yahoo Messenger so we can chat now. We just need to synch up and be online at the same time.
Joey and Rick-
Ciao! If I had some money in my pocket I would be the first to come and visit! I would love to see you both in this new territory you call home. I would especially love to see you both with all of these animals :)
You two are so great and lovable, I look forward to seeing you again, and maybe your sweetness can rub off on me!
Keep posting, I'm interested :)
miss and love you,
For those of you who don't know Haley.... well, you're very, very unfortunate. She is a fantastic woman. Just like the rest of her family. Strong, beautiful, loving, carefree and definitely a person you want to know. God has blessed me so much. I have a family (immediate, that I love and adore - who are fantastic), an extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins - whom I love and adore) and my family of friends (you all know who you are.... whom I love and adore). Sometimes I revel in His generosity and think "All this and Heaven too??????????" I say "JES, He is that way."
Hugs to all - Joey and Ricky and the pack o'four footers
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