I just LOVE this cookie jar. It's one of my oldest memories I have from my childhood. When I was a small weanling this cookie jar sat on our kitchen counter, stocked with goodies to be consumed when we were "good", as a reward. As is with most household chatchka's, they either find their way to a garage sale, the thrift store, or the trash, but "Lil Chip" had a different life to live. Oh, don't get me wrong, she found her way to the far corner of a cupboard, or shall I say many cupboards, but I believe she was set aside for me. As fate would have it, 6 years ago, when we were staying with my parents for 3 weeks as we prepared to move to South Dakota, I came across this little rodent, surprisingly enough, in the back of my mothers cupboard. You see, as a house guest I like to "help out" and on this particular day I was helping put away dishes. I pulled open the cupboard and there she was, smiling up at me. I couldn't help but have that old, childhood joy grab my heart. I gently pulled her out of the cupboard and asked why she was tucked so far away when she surely should be displayed because she's so darn cute. Mom and I spoke briefly of the memories she held for me before I, without hesitation, said, "Can I have her? I just love her." Of course, as any mother does when her child asks, she said, "Absolutely. Take her with you as a little piece of home for your new home". I was tickled. Wouldn't you be??? I giggle sometimes when I wash her out because she still has the original press on her base underside that says, "Made In America" and it makes me think she is a true treasure. She will always have a place in my house that holds esteem. A counter or a shelf, but never the cupboard. Her little smile brightens my day even though I no longer long for the goodies she holds inside her nut. I have a better nut of my own now.
Well, this truly fits the dictionary definition of 'tchotcky'(?) if only we could figure out the correct spelling. I think the 'made in America' stamp cinches its a keeper as well as its provenance. I confess, I too have a couple of things around the MO-bile and the MotorHovel that always remind me of where I came from and the feelings are always...warm & fuzzy.
I will expect some homemade cookies from that nut next time I come to SoDak....xo
Yes, I want some cookies, too, when I drop in. . . NO WALNUTS!!
Very unique cookie jar.
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