Saturday, December 1, 2012

"If it makes you happy...... then why the hell are you so sad?"

It is a verse from a song sung by one of my favorite artists, Sheryl Crow.  It is so true.   Given the last few months, it's been hanging around in my head, this verse.  It stops me and causes me to really think, albeit too much, about life. 

Since August 29th, Rick's "best, worst day", when we got the news that he literally dodged the bullet, I've been a swirling mess.  Almost like I'm on a bipolar carnival ride of gratitude and emotional collapse, I struggle with the "reality" and "gravity" and "finiteness" of life.  My ride on the "Happy Go Lucky" bus took a detour, one I'd hope was a temporary one, but as life would have it became a permanent re-routing.  Everything that once seemed pretty secure became infinitely unstable and uncontrolled.  I know, I know... I never really had, nor do I ever have, control over anything, except maybe myself,  and at times that too is lost on the ever changing fluctuation of "things", which I humbly concede, leaves me in a pile.  Some of you have seen the "pile" of Joelle.  Most recently, some of you have heard me "rant", which I must say is the precursor to the collapse, and a sure sign that the ground has fallen out from under me.  

In hindsight, I should have seen "me" coming, however, all the documentation about Rick's surgery, the recovery, the emotional changes (i.e. suffering the five stages of death, struggles with slow recovery, depression, etc.) were all describing things the PATIENT may deal with, when in reality, the PATIENT has handled the whole thing rather well, and I have taken on my usual "freak-out" internally, and act like it's all good externally.  

I am very thankful Rick dodged the said bullet, but in that blessing came the very real and grim reality that he could have died had things not transpired the way they did.  And for me, that changed everything, for about three weeks.  On week four, while Rick is getting back on track, it was as if I could hear the "Happy Go Lucky" bus driving by, but I still wasn't ready to get back on, as if for some reason I just knew it couldn't be completely trusted.  Then the day came when it's was happening.  Things were suddenly feeling like they were getting back to normal.  It was a Wednesday.  I literally was feeling the cloak of my fears lifting from my shoulders, until I got the call on Thursday.  My father, while mowing his yard, developed severe chest pain, and since having been with us in South Dakota during Rick's episode and having experienced how close a call he had, decided he should get it checked out.  So off to the ER he went to, like Rick, get a one way ticket in for an extended stay and bypass surgery.  Almost to the month, my dad, like Rick, had a very nasty and narrow passageway through the dreaded "Widow Maker", but somehow, thankfully, they both were spared.  Again, gratefulness, reality, and a multitude of overwhelming feelings consumed me.  Happiness that it was caught, sadness that we knew what daddy was going to have face, and once again the ever present uncertainty about everything.  Thankfully, he too has made a full recovery.

Life, it can't be stopped, or controlled, or planned really well because it's very nature is to just happen.  And happen it does.   Most of it is good, some of it is bad, and a lot of it very confusing, well at least for me, and those of you who know me well, know how very weak I am even though I try to put on the front that I am strong.

As life would have it, and well she does, she came at us yet again. The first week of November  Rick's mom was diagnosed  with Stage III non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.  Again, my world got shook-up.  Again, I struggled and wondered, and questioned, and the only answer that kept returning to me is "That's life, it happens."  The most recent news gave me great pause because there is no quick fix like surgery and a couple days in the ICU to fix Rick's mom.  She, on the other hand, has been the strongest through this, thus far.  She is accepting her diagnosis with dignity and understanding and that too, is very hard for me.

We were able to spend a nice couple of days with our families in Southern California over Thanksgiving.  As always, it's good to sit together, visit, talk about things, remember the good times, laugh and enjoy each others company.  It's good to spend our lives together.  I'm just trying to find ground that our time spending will, unfortunately one day, become our time spent together, and that has been the burden of my heart as of late.  That being said, I've decided to let the "Happy Go Lucky" bus pass me up, and I've decided to instead board the "Seize the Day" bus and change my attitude. To be thankful for all that I'm fortunate enough to have, hopeful for the future, and find ways to tend and nurture all those I love around me, it is the only true thing I have to give, and it is the only true reason to keep pressing on when life acts up on me.  Needless to say, this life makes me so happy and makes me so sad, just like the song goes.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pepper says:
  • Describe yourself in seven words....ADORABLE, CUTE, SWEET, PRECIOUS, HAPPY, SILLY, and did I mention ADORABLE?
  • What keeps you up at night? Nothing, unless I need to do the pee pee.... OR there is a dog barking in the hood.
  • Who would you like to be? My mom because she has such great doggies. :)
  • What are you wearing now? I am wearing the sunshine and warm breezes of our March 10th Winter Solar Storm weather. And of course my smile.
  • What scares you? BIG dogs that aren't nice, otherwise nothing... I charge ahead teeth glaring barking my little tail off.
  • The best and worst of blogging? Best: Reading Aunt Gina's blog and seeing what PG is up to ... Worst: The pressure from Aunt Gina.
  • What was the last web-site you visited? Facebook
  • What is the one thing you change about yourself? What would anyone change with perfection????
  • Slankets, yes or no? No... it sounds like something I WOULD be afraid of (refer to earlier question)
  • Tell us something about the person/people who tagged you. Mom said she's only doing this for Aunt Gina because she is such a NAG about stuff like this and she actually said it was an "ASSIGNMENT".
  • Choose eight (two) bloggers to tag next. I told mom to put these two down....

  1. VOG 1HO
  2. VGINA

Syd didn't play because she couldn't hear all the questions. She wanted to say HI though. :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Girl.....

Pepper, Pepper, Pepper..... Born on February 13, 2011. Now she is our silly little girl. We love her so. Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Childhood Memories.....

I just LOVE this cookie jar. It's one of my oldest memories I have from my childhood. When I was a small weanling this cookie jar sat on our kitchen counter, stocked with goodies to be consumed when we were "good", as a reward. As is with most household chatchka's, they either find their way to a garage sale, the thrift store, or the trash, but "Lil Chip" had a different life to live. Oh, don't get me wrong, she found her way to the far corner of a cupboard, or shall I say many cupboards, but I believe she was set aside for me. As fate would have it, 6 years ago, when we were staying with my parents for 3 weeks as we prepared to move to South Dakota, I came across this little rodent, surprisingly enough, in the back of my mothers cupboard. You see, as a house guest I like to "help out" and on this particular day I was helping put away dishes. I pulled open the cupboard and there she was, smiling up at me. I couldn't help but have that old, childhood joy grab my heart. I gently pulled her out of the cupboard and asked why she was tucked so far away when she surely should be displayed because she's so darn cute. Mom and I spoke briefly of the memories she held for me before I, without hesitation, said, "Can I have her? I just love her." Of course, as any mother does when her child asks, she said, "Absolutely. Take her with you as a little piece of home for your new home". I was tickled. Wouldn't you be??? I giggle sometimes when I wash her out because she still has the original press on her base underside that says, "Made In America" and it makes me think she is a true treasure. She will always have a place in my house that holds esteem. A counter or a shelf, but never the cupboard. Her little smile brightens my day even though I no longer long for the goodies she holds inside her nut. I have a better nut of my own now.