Saturday, September 24, 2011

Today... It was a great most in SD....

Today I thought about all the things I didn't do while I lived in the MECCA of Southern California. I didn't ride a horse on Friday, hike with my hubby to the top or the world on Saturday, then plan to ride my horse again on Sunday on my first solo ride.. NOR DID I .... drive straight home from work on an interstate that was without a traffic jam. I didn't own a horse, that I could hop on any hour of any day, of any week, and see vistas and trails that lead me further in my walk with God. I didn't hike hills and thank God for all the marvelous BEAUTY before me. We miss our families terribly... truly, in SoCal, they were our BEAUTY... they helped us survive. They were our lights at the end of our tunnels.

Here, we want to bring understanding to them, about our life... It is really hard to try to help those who love you understand you sometimes. We all have our "home". Ours shift between our RV, which will always be a home to us... and our little house in Piedmont, that has blessed us so... with fantastic night skies, our horses, a mile away, great neighbors, our church a skip away..... We could afford more, but we fortunately, appreciate, not needing more. We love what we have. That's actually a lyric in a song... " have what you want, but love what you have..." We are loving what we have, for sure.

1 comment:

Cowgirl said...

LOVE ALL OF the your heartfelt your reality. Life is grand and you guys were brave enough to go out there and find it and make it all happen.

Your 'joy' is being communicated very well through your words here. Just remember though, not everyone is willing or able to understand or even to acknowledge, that there are other ways of living can be better than what they have. That can be very scary for most people and that is okay. The other reality of where you live, and where we live, is that there aren't too many of us.

The view from Harney Peak says it all...'nature' as far as you can see...YAH, BAY-BEY...xo