It's been a chilly and windy birthday weekend for me so we decided to snuggle down and stay inside. I spent the weekend watching movies, reading birthday wishes on email and text messages, and enjoyed cooking up some faire. Ricky has been really sweet about letting me get away with puppy snuggle time. She's better than an electric blanket or hot water bottle. Just thought I'd share some photos.
Nainey is on the mend after being diagnosed with liver disease. I've been nurse Ratchet and although she seems to despise me while the medication treatments and force feedings are happening, she is acting like she is feeling much better. She still seeks out my pets, my lap, and always wants to be brushed.
Thanks to all for your love and BIG 40 wishes!!!! Hugs from South Da-cold-ta.
Didn't I tell you that puppies always win? I mean, really, how cute is that picture and that look that she is giving us...could it be 'nanner,nanner,nanner'?
Hope Kitty is gonna be okay.
Oh yeah, finally, HAPPY 40TH!!! Finally!
XXXOOO from friggin' freezin'land 'o' lakes.
Oh Joey I missed your birthday! I'm so sorry friend! Love you and hope you had an amazing day!!!!
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