We just spent the most enjoyable weekend with Jennifer and Richard. We gambled in Deadwood, hit the "wise-guys" at Rushmore, the Harley Davidson shop, ate out, ate in,

hiked around Sylvan Lake, introduced them to our new friends who graciously treated them like family, rode horses to amazing vistas and just enjoyed being together.
Richard was pleasantly surprised. Like me, South Dakota wasn't anything like what he expected. ....well, the Black Hills anyway. Just a couple of fotogs of our weekend...
Life in the land of wonder-- you look so pretty on that pony and just so right -- I think you've found your shangri-la. Who says there is no such thing as an environmental cure?
Is Richard Rick's twin brother, separated at birth? They even share the same name...hmmmm something going on here with the sisters....xxxooo
You better post something new soon or else your Texas visitors will have returned and then what? Your loyal blog follower, g.
At the risk of being 'deleted by the author', when are you going to update? Afterall, you are on my blogs' list and I have a reputation to uphold. So let's get blogging, bay-bee...you see, blogs are kinda like my version of People magazine, only I know the celebrities. I just want to peep into your psyche.
I'm being stalked.... someone help...come visit so I can update my blog....
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