Saturday, June 7, 2008

You might be in SoDak if......

Okay, so I'm reading the local classifieds....and I see this GREAT ad .... Read it, then watch the video.... Rick and I have LOVED these little critters for years.... they bring a smile, and a belly full of laughs........ Here's the actual ad....
"FREE Fainting Goat. Young, tri-colored billy. Great fainter. Call 381-XXXX"

"Great Fainter"???????.... how much better can life get? Bet the little sucker's a drama queen. : )

Disclaimer: No animals have been hurt in this video. Myotropic goats are a natual phenomen and it is their nature to, when startled, fall down; their muscles become rigid and stiff for a brief, temporary amount of time.


Cowgirl said...

LD is very, very pretty. She looks like a sweet girl...cannot wait to meet her...will she bite me? Hohoho.
Your pal, Virginia

. . Haley . . said...

I love your sense of humor!

Curious, do you ever miss California?