Monday, November 1, 2010

All Saints Day....St. Tazisimo...

They are, you know... they're 4-legged saints... or maybe angels, if you must. They bless us and make us smile when we want to cry, bring us out when we want to curl up and hide...make us cry for joy at their antics and yet they hold a common bond to those who came before them. They are similar but, oh so, very, very different... which makes us love them for who they are.

You all know what I'm talking about. We do it again because of the last "angel" who tread their paws upon our hearts, but we are quickly reminded that they are gone and this new, little creature has very different "fingerprints of God" written all over them. They look into our souls, and know our most intimate ways, for they live with us, and love us without measure or judgment, and we realize that they are their own, special, individual beings, regardless of how much they remind us of their sister spirits. And they remind me, how very thankful we should be. All the time.