Yep, it's that time again, when you're ready to get outta dodge. After months of saving money, you begin the "countdown" to your vacation. You're ready for that time when you get to go somewhere different and make new memories.
I'm officially less than 2 months from returning to Isla, this time with Rick. I want to give to him what my friend Gina gave to me. A wonderful adventure on a magical island. Trust me, I've already begun to dream about the fresh ceveche, cheap, cold beer, fresh veggies, street tacos, tamales, and the like. I can't wait to walk the downtown streets and see all the lovely people. To vistit Casa de Animales, to lie in the sun and take it in. To recharge, and rejuvenate.
I borrowed that cap picture from a fellow blogger. I loved it when I saw it. I just wish I could have tasted the beer that was underneath it.