Sometimes I think about how wonderfully crazy life is. We think, plan, plot, and dream about what we want in life, or shall I say, what we've been taught to strive for. More and more we find ourselves in awe at where we are, how we got here, and how incredibly happy we are.
I told my sister, that day when we were running around that field, trying to catch a wild filly, "Jen, if five years ago, someone would have told me that I would be running around a field with my sister, trying to catch my second horse and living the dream in South Dakota, I'd have told them they were crazy. And yet.. here we are."

Today, I had another thought like that. "If you would have told me that I would be standing in the snow, kissing and catching that wild filly, I'd tell you that you were nuts." Yet there I was again.... bowled over, blown away, wildly thankful that my weekends aren't filled with trips to the mall to buy more stuff I don't need to fill drawers and closets that are busting at their seams. Thankful that my weekend was filled with cleaning our house, relaxing with the dogs, watching the snow fall, making homemade meals, teaching a filly about trust, and having her teach me the same, and having a heart overflowing with gratitude at all that I am so blessed with. Never did I think, or truly believe, that when we had to leave an environment we could no longer afford, when I thought everything was being taken away, He was only cleaning the plate to bring on the main course. He has changed my thinking about so much.
In church I had a saying playing over and over, and OVER in my mind.
"God always gives the very best to those who leave the choice to Him."
I don't know who said it, and I don't believe it's in the Bible, and trust me, I know how incredibly hard it is to practice, but I know it's true. When you reach out to change the life of a person, an animal, or a friend, to a place that is truly past your comfort zone, and jump in to give or share love, God blesses it. I thought back to Nai-Nai, someone asked me to take her... I didn't want to, but I did. She was the best cat ever. When we heard that Syd was going to be killed because she was deaf, Rick said "No, we'll take her." She's the BOMB. When I couldn't find someone else's horse to play with and my friend Frank approached me about buying a horse from him, Rick agreed; I needed a horse of my own to play with. Lace is incredible for her age... wise beyond her years. When Chica knocked on my hearts door...and Rick said "Bring her home." I couldn't resist. Best little dog ever, a complete joy to be around. And now Bella.... My boss asked if I wanted to rescue a filly, again, God bless him, Rick said, "We can't afford pasture for 2 horses. You find a way around that and you can help her." She's teaching me about patience and trust, but most of all gentleness.
For those of you who were with us during the 8 month journey down the road less traveled you may have sensed my stress, lack of faith, and insecurity, which I am sure was, once again, my overwhelming fear to trust Him. Still... He does what He always does. He showed up. And I have learned He still shows up, everyday. And truly in the most incredible ways.