Looking back.... I realize how blessed I have been, how blessed I AM, how great this life is, regardless of the peaks and valleys of every day. We are all truly blessed, regardless of the hurts, pains, sufferings, injustices, wrongs... we are all loved by Someone. All those things that feel like they're gonna kill us, somehow make us realize just who we are. And truly, how many times do we think something... life.. is going one way, when it changes in the most beautiful and wonderful way.... Looking back is good, but only for perspective, for clarity, for vision. Faith is what it's all about. Tomorrow will come.. with it's joys, it's beauty, it's sorrow, but in faith, we can know that we are blessed beyond what we deserve, graced with joys that overwhelm us,.. the thunder, the rain, the snow, the sun on our face... all for FREE. The "sad/bad" things in our lives are necessary, to help us enjoy more, live more, choose more. "What profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" (ref: The Bible). " The more you embrace that thought, and realize the true joys of life, that you may be missing the "now" of your life... it's humbling.... it's real.
I think of Chica... a year ago she didn't know us, we didn't know her.... today... she's one of our precious jewels... better than riches, sweeter than spice... her life, gives life to us. Watching her walk on a leash like an "owned" dog brings us such joy.... her receiving her first "bed", and refusing to get off it was FANTASTIC and almost FREE... it cost $14.99 from Ross... but thank you God, and thank you Ross, and thank you Chica. It was priceless... and every night, to watch her sleep... is amazing. And of course, there's Syd... she's ALWAYS the bomb. Best dogs I've ever had.
But, through all the snow (and rumors of MORE snow through May) we we're able to watch our (very short) spring... and today.. WE HAD SUMMER... it finally arrived!!! In all honesty I would not have been so dismayed to have one more "snow-day" this year.... the hills are green, deer galore.. Lace and I took a rigoruous trail ride off property... She's the bomb.... we killed the hills...saw the vistas... and tried to keep up with Hannah and her Arabs. All is good. All is God. I am so very blessed, and happy. Those things I miss, I must release, for I shall see them and have them all another day...today... I shall have peace in knowing.