So, as you may be enjoying your Spring, and probably have been for weeks, we have been waiting for the snow to melt, the ground to become dry, the "Sping" to show up for the few weeks it will, before Summer sets in. Between the blizzards, travels, new family members, and everything else, I've been having "Horse Deprivation" Syndrome.
I have been trying to get someone to "babysit" me while I ride my young horse. She is a wonderful, solid, patient horse, but last August, on a windy day, she spooked, I fell, and my backside....well, my back, basically told me how old I am. Since then, I've been afraid of re-injuring my already injured back. I'm not afraid of my horse, just afraid of my "seat" and possibly falling again and being alone.
Well, I had a hard time getting anyone to commit to help me, so I had a talk with God. He said "pray believing", so I did. I said, "I can't wait any longer. I need her, she needs me, she's a great horse, please bless me and keeps us both safe." I committed to ride her on Sunday, whether someone was there or not. By Saturday night I had three people ready to babysit me for my first Spring ride. Hannah was the one. She was going to be there riding her horses after a trail ride.
Lacy was a DREAM. She remember everything I had taught her last year, and we did "scarry training" before I got on her. Horses have a hard time learning what is and isn't a "cougar" to them, everything scarry is a cougar. We rode, walked, trotted, cantered, had a grand time. She was the very respectful horse I've enjoyed. Needless to say, it was great to be back in the saddle again.
Bottom line... when you trust God, He always provides. You ask, you receive. You surrender and let go, He provides.
The melt is on!
1 week ago