Saturday, June 28, 2008

Deadwood Daze...

A couple of weekends ago we decided to head to Deadwood for the annual "Wild Bill Hickock Days". Rick and our friend Frank spent the entire day taking in the sights, events and gun-slinging characters. Franks wife Elaine and I headed up after I took my Professional Coder Certification Exam (which I found out earlier this week I passed - Yeah!). We decided to take a couple of pictures to share. Rick and I enjoy going to this little Cigar Bar called Deadwood Tobacco Company. It's in underground Deadwood. The patrons ride hogs or horses and enjoy a good smoke. When you're not enjoying some fine tobacco, you venture back up to Main Street to once again experience the Old West. The famous Saloon No 10 where Wild Bill was shot in the back, and some artistic reminders that you are in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Gotta love it!

Oh, my pretty baby girl.....

Saturday, June 7, 2008

You might be in SoDak if......

Okay, so I'm reading the local classifieds....and I see this GREAT ad .... Read it, then watch the video.... Rick and I have LOVED these little critters for years.... they bring a smile, and a belly full of laughs........ Here's the actual ad....
"FREE Fainting Goat. Young, tri-colored billy. Great fainter. Call 381-XXXX"

"Great Fainter"???????.... how much better can life get? Bet the little sucker's a drama queen. : )

Disclaimer: No animals have been hurt in this video. Myotropic goats are a natual phenomen and it is their nature to, when startled, fall down; their muscles become rigid and stiff for a brief, temporary amount of time.